1. Introduction
Welcome to CROFI – Craft of India by  Promotion of Art Culture Tourism and Heritage Foundation. Kindly take a moment to familiarize yourself with our company’s terms and conditions, ensuring a harmonious experience for all.
Following terms and conditions herein referred as “Terms” govern your use of the Website and the services provided therein. By accessing or using the Website, you agree to comply with these Terms.

2. Definitions
“Website” refers to the online platform operated by to CROFI – Craft of India Website, accessible via the URL [https://crofi.in/].
“User” refers to any individual or entity accessing or using the Website.
“Account” signifies a registered user account on the Website.
“Vendor” refers to individuals or entities offering handmade or unique crafted products on the Website.

3. User Accounts
3.1. Account Registration: Users must be at least [minimum age] years old to create an account on the CROFI – Craft of India Website. By registering, users confirm that they meet the eligibility requirements. Users agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the registration process and to update this information as necessary to keep it accurate and up to date.
3.2 Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account login credentials. Any actions taken through their account will be considered their responsibility. Users agree to immediately notify the website’s support team of any unauthorized use of their account or any other security breach.
3.3 Account Usage: User accounts are for personal use only and may not be shared with others. Users shall not create multiple accounts or impersonate others. Users must use their accounts in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and agree not to use the account for any illegal, fraudulent, or malicious activities.
3.4 Account Content: Users are responsible for all activity conducted through their accounts and any content they post, upload, or share on the website. Users agree not to post or share any content that is false, misleading, defamatory, or infringing upon the rights of others. The website reserves the right to remove or modify such content.

4. Vendor Listings and Products
4.1 Product Listings: Vendors may create listings for their handmade or unique crafted products on the Website. Listings should be accurate, truthful, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
4.2 Product Descriptions: Vendors agree to provide clear and accurate descriptions of their products, including price, dimensions, materials used, and any other relevant details.
4.3 Intellectual Property: Vendors represent and warrant that they have the necessary rights to use any intellectual property (such as trademarks, copyrights, or patents) associated with their products. Vendors grant CROFI – Craft of India a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to display, reproduce, and distribute their Content on the Website.

5. User Conduct
5.1 Unauthorized Access: Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to other users’ accounts, private information, or any confidential data.
5.2 Malicious Activities: Users must not upload, distribute, or disseminate any malicious software, viruses, or harmful code that may disrupt or compromise the website’s functionality or the security of other users’ data.
5.3 Intellectual Property Violations: Users are prohibited from infringing upon the intellectual property rights of vendors, the website, or any third parties. This includes unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of copyrighted materials or trademarks.
5.4 Harassment and Discrimination: Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discriminatory behavior towards other users, artisans, or individuals on the website will not be tolerated.
5.5 Fraudulent Transactions: Users shall not engage in fraudulent transactions, including providing false information, attempting to manipulate prices, or misrepresenting products or services.

6. Payments and Transactions
6.1 Payments: Users purchasing products on the Website agree to pay the listed price for the selected product, including any applicable taxes and fees.
6.2 Secure Transactions: The Artisan’s Website provides a secure payment processing system to facilitate transactions between users and artisans for products and services offered on the platform.
6.3 Transactions: CROFI – Craft of India website may facilitate transactions between Users and Vendors. Users understand that CROFI – Craft of India Website is not a party to these transactions and is not responsible for any issues arising from them.
6.4 Payment Methods: The website accepts payment through various methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and other electronic payment options. Users must provide accurate and up-to-date payment information.

7 Termination
7.1 Voluntary Account Closure: Users may choose to terminate their account on the CROFI – Craft of India at any time by sending a written request to the website’s support team. Upon receipt of the request, the website will deactivate the account within [specified time frame] days.
7.2 Violation of Terms: The CROFI – Craft of India Website reserves the right to terminate user accounts if the user is found to be in violation of the website’s terms and conditions, including engaging in prohibited activities, providing false information, or breaching any contractual obligations.
7.3 Effect of Termination: Account termination may result in the immediate removal of the user’s access to the website, its content, and any ongoing transactions. Any remaining obligations, such as outstanding payments or unresolved issues, will continue to be valid and enforceable.
7.4 Preservation of Rights: Upon termination, users retain ownership of their intellectual property rights related to content submitted to the website. The Artisan’s Website, however, retains the rights granted by users under the terms of use for the purpose of displaying and promoting their products.

8. Disclaimer of Warranties
8.1 As-Is Basis: The CROFI – Craft of India Website, including all content, materials, and services provided, is offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without any warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind, whether expressed or implied
8.2 No Endorsement: The website does not endorse, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, or usefulness of any content, products, services, or information available on or through the website.
8.3 Vendor Products: Vendor are solely responsible for the quality, accuracy, safety, legality, and authenticity of the products they list and sell on the website. The website does not assume any responsibility for the products or services offered by Vendors.

9. Limitation of Liability
9.1 Exclusion of Liability: CROFI – Craft of India Website, its officers, employees, affiliates, and agents shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the website, its content, or its services.
9.2 Availability: The website does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to the website, its content, or its services. The website reserves the right to suspend, modify, or discontinue any aspect of the website without notice.

10. Indemnification
10.1 User Accountability: By using the Artisan’s Website, users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the website, its officers, employees, affiliates, and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with their use of the website, violation of these terms, or infringement of any rights.
10.2 Prompt Notification: In the event of a claim or potential claim arising from a user’s actions on the website, the user shall promptly notify the website’s support team, providing all necessary details and documentation.
10.3 Right to Defend: The website reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by the user. The user shall cooperate fully with the website in asserting any available defences.

11. Changes to Terms
We may update these Terms from time to time, including by adding entirely new terms and deleting existing terms. If the changes are material, we’ll let you know in advance by posting the changes through the Services and/or sending you an email or message about the changes. Your use of the Services after the effective date of the changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree with the changes, you may close your account.

12. Disputes with Other Users or Third Parties
12.1 Resolution Process: The Artisan’s Website aims to provide a platform for smooth and fair interactions. However, disputes may arise between users or involving third parties. This section outlines the procedures for resolving such disputes.
12.2 User Responsibilities: Users agree to engage in dispute resolution processes in good faith, demonstrating respect and cooperation throughout the process. Users shall attempt to resolve disputes directly with other users or third parties involved before escalating the matter to the website.
12.3 Contact Support: If a dispute cannot be resolved directly, users may contact the website’s support team to report the issue. Users should provide relevant details, evidence, and any relevant communication.
12.4. Mediation Request: The website may offer mediation services to help users and involved parties find common ground. Mediation is voluntary and does not guarantee a resolution.
12.5. Dispute Escalation: If mediation fails or is not applicable, users may request the website’s intervention. Users agree to provide all necessary information for a fair assessment.
12.6. Neutral Role: The website acts as a neutral intermediary in disputes and aims to facilitate communication and resolution.The website is not liable for any user interactions, disputes, or outcomes resulting from interactions between users or third parties.
12.7. Arbitration Option: Users may agree to submit disputes to binding arbitration if both parties consent. Arbitration may be conducted through a recognized arbitration service.
12.8 No Class Actions: Users agree not to participate in class action lawsuits against the website, its officers, employees, affiliates, or agents.

11. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction].

12. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at [contact email].
By accessing or using the CROFI – Craft of India, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.